Naerum, Capital Region of DenmarkNaesbjerg, Region of Southern DenmarkNaesby, Region of Southern DenmarkNagelsti, Region ZealandNakskov, Region ZealandNeder Holluf, Region of Southern DenmarkNeder Vindinge, Region ZealandNexø, Capital Region of DenmarkNibe, North Denmark RegionNissum Seminarieby, Central Denmark RegionNivå, Capital Region of DenmarkNo, Central Denmark RegionNodebo, Capital Region of DenmarkNorager, North Denmark RegionNordborg, Region of Southern DenmarkNordby, Region of Southern DenmarkNorholm, North Denmark RegionNorre Aby, Region of Southern DenmarkNorre Alslev, Region ZealandNorre Bindslev, North Denmark RegionNorre Broby, Region of Southern DenmarkNorre Farup, Region of Southern DenmarkNorre Halne, North Denmark RegionNorre Hvalso, Region ZealandNorre Kongerslev, North Denmark RegionNorre Lyndelse, Region of Southern DenmarkNorre Nebel, Region of Southern DenmarkNorre Vedby, Region ZealandNorreballe, Region ZealandNorresundby, North Denmark RegionNorsminde, Central Denmark RegionNy Hesselager, Region of Southern DenmarkNyborg, Region of Southern DenmarkNyker, Capital Region of DenmarkNykobing, Region ZealandNykøbing Mors, North Denmark RegionNykøbing Sjælland, Region ZealandNylars, Capital Region of DenmarkNyrad, Region ZealandNæstved, Region Zealand