Maas, Canton of ZurichMadetswil, Canton of ZurichMadiswil, Canton of BernMadra, TicinoMaennedorf, Canton of ZurichMaerstetten-Dorf, ThurgauMagadino, TicinoMagden, AargauMaggia, TicinoMagglingen, Canton of BernMaienfeld, GrisonsMaisprach, Basel-LandschaftMaladers, GrisonsMalans, GrisonsMalix, GrisonsMalleray, Canton of BernMaloja District, GrisonsMalters, Canton of LucerneMalvaglia, TicinoMammern, ThurgauMaracon, VaudMarin-Epagnier, Canton de NeuchâtelMarly, Canton of FribourgMarsens, Canton of FribourgMarthalen, Canton of ZurichMartigny-Combe, ValaisMartigny-Ville, ValaisMaschwanden, Canton of ZurichMaseltrangen, Canton of St. GallenMassagno, TicinoMastrils, GrisonsMatran, Canton of FribourgMatt, Canton of GlarusMatten bei Interlaken, Canton of BernMattenbach (Kreis 7), Canton of ZurichMatzendorf, Canton of SolothurnMatzingen, ThurgauMauensee, Canton of LucerneMaur, Canton of ZurichMauraz, VaudMayoux, ValaisMedeglia, TicinoMedels im Rheinwald, GrisonsMedergen, GrisonsMedikon, Canton of ZurichMeggen, Canton of LucerneMeienberg, AargauMeierskappel, Canton of LucerneMeilen, Canton of ZurichMeinier, GenevaMeinisberg, Canton of BernMeiringen, Canton of BernMeisterschwanden, AargauMelano, TicinoMelchnau, Canton of BernMelchsee-Frutt, Canton of ObwaldenMelide, TicinoMellingen, AargauMendrisio, TicinoMenziken, AargauMenzingen, Canton of ZugMenznau, Canton of LucerneMerenschwand, AargauMeride, TicinoMerishausen, Canton of SchaffhausenMerligen, Canton of BernMerlischachen, Canton of SchwyzMervelier, Canton of JuraMesocco, GrisonsMessen, Canton of SolothurnMex, ValaisMeyrin, GenevaMezieres, Canton of FribourgMiecourt, Canton of JuraMiege, ValaisMinusio, TicinoMiralago, GrisonsMitloedi, Canton of GlarusMittler-Schwanden, Canton of ZurichMockenwis, Canton of ZurichMogelsberg, Canton of St. GallenMoghegno, TicinoMoiry, VaudMollens, VaudMollie-Margot, VaudMollis, Canton of GlarusMonchaltorf, Canton of ZurichMont-la-Ville, VaudMontagnola, TicinoMontagny, VaudMontana, ValaisMontavon, Canton of JuraMontblesson, VaudMontcherand, VaudMonte Carasso, TicinoMontfaucon, Canton of JuraMontheron, VaudMonthey, ValaisMontpreveyres, VaudMontreux, VaudMontricher, VaudMorat, Canton of FribourgMorbio Inferiore, TicinoMorbio Superiore, TicinoMorcote, TicinoMorel, ValaisMorgen, Canton of ZurichMorges, VaudMorgins, ValaisMorigen, Canton of BernMorschach, Canton of SchwyzMorschwil, Canton of St. GallenMosnang, Canton of St. GallenMotier, Canton of FribourgMotiers, Canton de NeuchâtelMoudon, VaudMoutier, Canton of BernMovelier, Canton of JuraMuehlehalde, Canton of ZurichMuentschemier, Canton of BernMuerren, Canton of BernMuestair, GrisonsMuhen, AargauMuhlau, AargauMuhleberg, Canton of BernMuhlehorn, Canton of GlarusMuhlethurnen, Canton of BernMullheim, ThurgauMumpf, AargauMund, ValaisMuniwis, Canton of ZurichMunsterlingen, ThurgauMuolen, Canton of St. GallenMuotathal, Canton of SchwyzMuralto, TicinoMurgenthal, AargauMuri, AargauMuri bei Bern, Canton of BernMurist, Canton of FribourgMuttenz, Basel-LandschaftMöhlin, AargauMünchenbuchsee, Canton of BernMünchenstein, Basel-LandschaftMünchwilen, ThurgauMünsingen, Canton of Bern